SAFETYROOM specialise in setting up a safe area in your home where you can escape danger until help arrives.

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

We are here to help with all your home safety needs

A safe room, also known as a panic room, is a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe hiding place for inhabitants in the event of an emergency.

Why Are Safe Rooms Used?  Reasons Include:

1) To hide from burglars. The protection of a safe room will afford residents extra time to contact police.

2) Protection against Riots and Unrest situations gone wrong.

3) To hide from would-be kidnappers. Many professional athletes, actors and politicians install safe rooms in their houses.

4) Protection against natural disasters, such as storms, tornadoes and hurricanes. Underground tornado bunkers are common in certain tornado-prone regions of the United States.

5) Protection against a nuclear attack. While safe rooms near the blast may be incinerated, those far away may be shielded from radioactive fallout. This type of safe room, known as a fallout shelter.

6) For safe keeping of firearms, other weapons and valuable items.

7) To provide social distancing in the event of a serious disease outbreak; and fear of an abusive spouse.

Room 3


Once a year we dispose of our stock pile of Electronic Waste and it will be sorted for e-cycling and the balance sent for raw material separation.

Please click on the below image to find a copy of our latest Certificate of Safe Disposal.

Certificate of Safe Disposal